Do you struggle to refrain from scratching your itchy scalp? In addition, you are also losing your hair, which is worse than it already is.
From harsh hair products to scalp problems, there are many causes of itchy scalps and hair loss. In this article, you’ll discover these causes and their connection to hair loss and what are the available hair loss solutions in Singapore.
What Is An Itchy Scalp?
An itchy scalp, also known as scalp pruritus, is a common diagnosis. There are numerous potential causes. The most frequent triggers of an itchy scalp are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin disorder.
Seborrheic dermatitis can be caused by the following factors:
- Stress
- Seasonal changes
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Yeast overgrowth on the skin
Does Itchy Scalp Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss and an itchy scalp are frequently connected. Although not all underlying illnesses directly cause hair loss, an itchy scalp might be a symptom of one. While the underlying scalp problem affects the structure or strength of the hair follicles and results in hair loss, vigorous scalp scratching causes harm to the hair follicles.
There are also circumstances where hair loss happens without scalp irritation, such as hereditary hair loss or male- and female-pattern baldness. In such circumstances, scratching the scalp may result in injury, although the underlying reason for the hair loss is unrelated to the itching. The likelihood that someone may experience hereditary hair loss is unaffected by scratching.
The scalp may itch due to fungal infections, allergic responses to hair products, or irritated hair follicles, which can also harm hair follicles and cause hair loss.
Is There A Link Between Itchy Scalp And Male Hair Loss?
Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is by far the most common trigger for hair loss in men. It happens once the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, affects your hair follicles and prevents them from growing new hairs.
Your hair follicles may eventually become so small that they cannot produce new hairs due to DHT. Most men experience receding hairline in their 20s, 30s, and 40s due to DHT. It typically starts around the hairline or the crown of the scalp.
So, is itching a sign of male pattern baldness? Honestly, no. The majority of the time, male pattern baldness doesn’t make your scalp itchy or painful like psoriasis or fungal diseases do
Instead, over the course of years and decades, DHT-related damage causes your hair follicles to shrink progressively and lose their capacity to generate new hair. Simply put, if you’re beginning to lose hair due to male pattern baldness, you shouldn’t experience any itching.
The majority of balding men experience absolutely no symptoms; instead, they first start to realise the impacts of DHT when they glance in the mirror. Consequently, a scratchy or irritated scalp is not a reliable indicator that you are beginning to lose hair due to male pattern baldness.
If you’re worried that you’re beginning to have a bald scalp, there are specific symptoms you may look out for. Among them are:
- Hair loss throughout your entire head
- Your hairline is progressively receding
- A patch of baldness on the top of your head
- Hair that grows incredibly slowly or lacks coverage
- There are more hairs than usual in your hairbrush or on your pillowcase
Common Causes Of Itchy Scalp
Dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, is the most typical cause of an itchy scalp. This kind of dermatitis frequently affects the scalp and face because they contain sebaceous or oil-secreting glands.
Inflammation of the glands can cause the following symptoms:
- Itching
- Flaking
- Reddened skin
- Yellow or white scales
Hair care products
You should improve how well you rinse the shampoo out of your hair if you have an itchy, dry, and flaky scalp. Shampoo residue can aggravate your scalp.
You may that you have allergic contact dermatitis if you develop a rash and an itchy scalp. Another possibility is that you’re allergic to shampoo, conditioner, or other items that come in contact with your scalp. If this is the case, you will likely develop an itchy rash on your scalp and other body parts that come into contact with the product.
Scalp ringworm (Tinea capitis)
Ringworm gets its term from its circular shape. However, this condition is not caused by worms but it is a fungus-based infection. If you have scalp ringworm, you’ll probably develop a red, incredibly itchy rash and may have gotten it from an infected person or animal. It most frequently affects babies and kids in school.
Common Causes Of Hair Loss
Hereditary Hair Loss
The term “male or female pattern baldness” is also used to describe androgenetic alopecia. It is a leading cause of hair loss. Male and female pattern baldness is also a hereditary condition. Males frequently lose hair from their head’s crown and temples, while the hair on a woman’s head typically gets thinner with age.
Though it can occur anytime after puberty, androgenetic alopecia is more likely to emerge as a person ages. Androgenetic alopecia is also a common occurrence in females who have experienced menopause.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Dietary imbalances can bring on hair loss. Sometimes, excessive hair shedding is caused by extreme diets low in protein and some micronutrients, like iron.
In order to determine whether a nutritional deficiency might be the root of hair loss, a person should visit a doctor for a blood test.
Telogen Effluvium
When the hair stays in the telogen (natural shedding) growth cycle phase, it is known as telogen effluvium. This results in increased hair loss, sometimes in large clumps.
Among the possible causes are:
- severe stress
- surgery
- childbirth
- rapid weight loss
- thyroid problems
Recommended Treatments
Hair Loss Prevention Treatment
Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
- Genetics
- Ageing
- Disease
- Drug side effects
Although dealing with hair loss can be challenging since it can have a deep emotional impact on certain individuals, each of these causes has its own treatment.
TrichoLab’s hair and scalp knowledge is combined with credible ingredients such as Ginkgo Leaf Extract and Vitamin E to create an anti-hair loss treatment. This hair loss prevention treatment in Singapore can help with the following:
- removing buildup from the scalp
- strengthening hair roots
- successfully stopping hair loss
Additionally, this treatment uses a specialised anti-hair loss series comprising a mask, shampoo, and ampoule.
Signature Microneedling Hair Growth
Microneedling for hair loss in Singapore has a microneedling pen for hair equipped with small, thin needles is used in the minimally invasive treatment known as microneedling to prick the scalp and cure various skin disorders, including hair loss, by stimulating the formation of elastin and collagen.
The precise superficial trauma to the scalp used in this hair loss treatment usually seems painful. However, it stimulates blood flow while also increasing the absorption of topical hair loss treatments.
In addition to thickening the present hair follicles, microneedling for hair loss can induce the scalp to produce platelets and hair growth proteins in the traumatised areas.
This Microneedling Hair Growth treatment is TrichoLab’s signature hair growth treatment that has been clinically proven to work. A unique hair growth and anti-hair loss product, formulated with a secret mix of botanicals, peptides, and growth factors, is delivered into follicles through a microneedling technology that can administer needles as small as 0.6mm. The outcome? Neutralising hair loss and encouraging hair growth.
Looking to get your first hair loss treatment in Singapore?
TrichoLab consists of certified and trained scalp specialists. For more information, contact us or speak to one of our professionals at +65 6336 1106.